Bus Safety Information
Stop Arm Camera Program
Brentwood UFSD along with all other school districts across Suffolk County have agreed to participate, authorizing the installation of cameras to record and ticket motorists who illegally pass a stopped school bus. The County’s Stop Arm Camera Program will enhance student safety across Suffolk County by curbing illegal driver behavior around stopped school buses, and ultimately better protect children as they enter and exit their school buses each day.
What You Should Know
- The program will be enforced across all applicable lanes of traffic.
- Motorists must stop in either direction when a stopped school bus has its red lights flashing and/or when the stop arm is deployed.
- It is NOT a valid defense to illegally pass a stopped school bus if waved on by a bus driver.
- Motor vehicle tickets are being issued by Suffolk County to all violators with minimum fines of $250 per offense.
When Drivers Have to Stop For School Buses
When a school bus is stopped on a two-lane roadway without a median, all cars traveling in either direction must stop.
If a bus is stopped on a multi-lane road with a median - whether it’s concrete, grass, or just an unpaved separation - cars traveling in either direction must stop.
If the bus is on a road with four or more lanes without a median, all vehicles traveling in either direction must stop.
When a school bus is stopped on a road with four or more lanes and a center turn lane, cars traveling in either direction must stop.
Educational materials for Student Bus Safety for Pre-K through Grade 6 along with other resources for community members and bus drivers.