Compliance Training
New York State and Federal regulations require that school district employees complete mandatory compliance training every year on the following topics:
Sexual Harassment NYS Mandated
Student Data Privacy - NYSED Law Sec. 2-d
Hazardous Communications
Blood-borne Pathogens
The compliance training associated with these topics is intended to provide employees with information to promote a safe and healthy work environment. While all employees must complete compliance training annually on hazardous communications, blood-borne pathogens, and sexual harassment, the District may also require that certain employee groups complete training related to other topics that are relevant to their work responsibilities.
The Brentwood School District has contracted with Global Compliance Network (GCN) to provide compliance training on the topics identified above. GCN provides online training tutorials that employees can complete using any smartphone or computer that has an internet connection, internal or external speakers, or, should audio not be available, the user can easily read each slide to to complete the training. Employees will log onto the GCN website and complete the required training tutorials. The time needed to complete each online tutorial varies from 15 to 30 minutes, and employees may complete all three required tutorials in one session or in separate sessions.
NOTE: Trainings are available in both English and Spanish.
If you require assistance or have any questions, please either call Arianna Rizzuto D'Arce at 631-434-2331 or email: Click here to email Arianna Rizzuto
Logging onto GCN is easy. Just follow the directions below. When you have completed the required tutorials, GCN will notify the Office of Human Resources that you have satisfied your annual compliance training.
Login Directions:
Go to either on your computer or smartphone
Click "LOGIN TO VIEW TRAINING" and if applicable, "Version 5 User Login"
Enter the organization ID code for Brentwood: 165888b (you will need to enter this organization code each time you login)
If you don't already have one, click "I was not given a user ID" and create one that you will remember. Your unique ID (UID) can be your first initial and last name (no spaces) or anything else you choose
Review your information, and click "Submit"
Select the tutorial to be completed and follow the directions on the screen
The next time you log onto the GCN website, you will only need to enter the organization code for Brentwood: 165888b and your unique user ID