What is a SIT Plan?
What is a Title I School Improvement Team (SIT) Plan?
Title I is a federal K-12 program that provides additional academic support and learning opportunities for students who attend Brentwood schools. The program is designed to help all students meet challenging state academic standards. Goals of the BUFSD’s Title I program include: increasing academic achievement, providing direct instructional support to students who need it most, providing professional development to teachers and promoting meaningful parent and family engagement activities.
To achieve these goals, the Brentwood UFSD provides Academic Intervention Services (AIS) to students at-risk of not meeting challenging state academic standards, and sponsors numerous parent and family engagement events at the district and building levels, including: Saturday Academy, Family STEAM Night, and Community Plaza Information Nights.
All schools that receive Title I funds must create a Title I School Improvement Team (SIT) plan. As an example of the BUFSD’s commitment to strengthening school and parent partnerships, all 2019-2020 SIT plans were developed in collaboration with parents, family members, community members, faculty and students. In addition, SIT plans are monitored and revised monthly by a SIT team that includes parent and family member representation.
You may access building SIT plans by clicking on the links below. You will find that the plans are reflective of the BUFSD’s goal of providing high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables each child to meet the rigorous state academic standards. We look forward to our continued partnership to ensure the continuous growth of each student in the Brentwood community.
For more information including the links to the SIT School pages and policies, please go to the Every Student Succeeds Act page under the Parent/Guardian tab.