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Graduation Plus - Success Assess Grow Empower
Graduation Plus Vision Statement

Upon graduation, BUFSD students will be empowered to enter the workforce with appropriate skills, certification, or licensure, or be enrolled in a post-secondary program of study. Individual success pathways will be aligned to students’ strengths, preferences, and interests, equipping them to lead productive, meaningful, and joyful lives.

SUCCESS Pathways


+ That each child’s PLUS will be reflective of his/her strengths, preferences and interests.

+ That college, career and civic readiness are of equal value and importance.

+ That providing CTE pathways and work-based learning experiences will create vast Graduation PLUS opportunities.

+ In the utility of NYSED diploma seals (bi-literacy, civics) and students’ ability to earn college credit while in high school.


GROWTH Culture


+ That having high expectations for ALL students is the key to unlocking their full potential.

+ That critical thinking is an essential competency for 21st-century success.

+ That cultivating intellectual openness will allow students to improve their school, community and the world.

+ In curating an academic program with acceleration and enrichment as core design elements from inception. 

+ That all BUFSD stakeholders are lifelong learners.


Meaningful and Relevant Instruction and


+ In nurturing the whole child (physical, emotional, academic, social, cultural).

+ That a well-rounded education will include foundations of literacy (ABCs), numeracy (123s), physical education and the arts. 

+ In cultivating relevancy through Project and Problem-Based Learning and Assessment (PBLA) opportunities with real-world application.

+ In leveraging our student’s strengths, preferences and interests to revitalize the Brentwood community.


EMPOWERED Stakeholders


+ That everyone is entitled to a safe, healthy, caring, and culturally responsive environment that fosters equity, dignity and belonging.

+ That attendance is vital to maximize student potential.

+ That student success is proportional to the extent and quality of stakeholder engagement.

+ Our students should have the freedom to pursue their diploma, career clusters, certifications and licensure while in high school.

+ In the power of BUFSD Pride!


District's Next Steps

  • Develop 5-year, core-strategic plan for Graduation PLUS+
    • Representative team of all key stakeholder groups
  • Assess current reality in all plan tenet areas, SAGE
    • What are our bright spots?
    • What are our needs?
  • Use principles of Backward Design* by starting with the desired outcomes in mind, then back-mapping initiatives and actions all the way down to PreK
    • Identify desired results
    • Determine acceptable evidence/performance indicators
    • Plan strategic initiatives
    • Monitor, adjust and reflect

*Wiggins, Grant, and Jay McTighe. Understanding by Design. Expanded 2nd ed. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 2005