District Directory
Superintendent of Schools
Fax: (631) 273-6575
Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations
(631) 434-2311
Fax: (631) 434-3104
Assistant Superintendent for Elementary Education
(631) 434-2496
Fax: (631) 273-6575
Assistant Superintendent of Special Services
(631) 434-2401
Fax: (631) 434-8158
Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Education
(631) 434-2498
Fax: (631) 273-6575
Available 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM when school is in session.
Kathy Hoey, District Clerk
(631) 434-2327 Fax: (631) 273-6575 |
Have a question and/or concern? Click on the link below to find the chain of communication, parents, students and community members.
District Departments and Offices
Michelle Mi, Supervisor
Debra Banker, Supervisor
(631) 972-1633
Fax: (631) 434-3104
Paula Ribeiro-Manikas, Coordinator of Bilingual and English as New Language Instruction (K - 12)
Maria Rodriguez
Assistant Coordinator
Margaret Amores
Assistant Coordinator
Karen Morgan
IFE Liason and Embedded Coach
(631) 434-2511
Fax: (631) 434-2239
(631) 972 - 1375
Assistance for parents Monday through Friday 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Miguel Cruz, Plant Facilities Administrator
Erik Karlund, Director of Operations
(631) 434-2311
Fax: 631-434-3104
Marlene Ramos-Velita, Coordinator
(631) 434-2301
Fax: (631) 434-2572
Jerry Cheng, Principal
Records Management Officer
LisaIvelisse Rodriquez
Assistant Principal of Adult ENL/ABE
Wayne Abenes, Coordinator
Amanda Chansingh, Coordinator
Trish Brockbank, Coordinator
Mary Fullshire Taibi
Assistant Coordinator
Theresa Giacolone
Instructional Technology Staff Developer
John LaSalle
Instructional Technology Staff Developer
Noreen Miller
ELA Staff Developer
Vincent Leone, Coordinator
Compliance and Chief Information Ofο¬cer
Vincent Todisco
Assistant Coordinator
(631) 434-2403
Fax: 631-434-2234
Kevin O'Reilly, Coordinator (Interim)
Jason Lantz
Assistant to the Coordinator
(631) 434-2512
Fax: (631) 434-2421
Nicole Valente, School Personnel Officer
(631) 434-2331
Fax: 631-972-1538
Candice Cheng, Coordinator
Data Protection Officer
Rus Carbon
Assistant Coordinator
(631) 972 - 1300
Technical support for parents and students Monday through Friday 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM
(631) 972-1300
Technical support for parents and students Monday through Friday 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Aaron Marsh, Coordinator
Maureen Carrion
Math Staff Developer
Nicole Valente, School Personnel Officer
Angel Perez, Coordinator
(631) 434-2336
Fax: (631) 434-2271
Evania Galindez, Supervisor
Daniel Calderon, Purchasing Agent
(631) 434-2227
Fax: 631-434-2528
Jerry Cheng, Principal of Continuing Ed, EHS, and Summer School
Records Management Officer
(631) 434-2329 Fax: (631) 972-1405 |
Beth Sather, School Lunch Manager
Gina Livia
Assistant to the Food Services Manager
(631) 434-2316
Fax: (631) 434-1175
Byron McCray, Director
Chief Emergency Management Officer
Dr. Rebecca Grella, Coordinator
AnnMarie Madsen
Science Staff Developer, K - 8
Rhonda Young, Assistant Superintendent of Special Services
(631) 434-2401
Fax: (631) 434-8158
April Seneus
Coordinator of Secondary Special Education
(631) 434-2144
Coordinator of Elementary Special Education
(631) 434-2215
Sean Coffin
Coordinator of Health, Psychological, and Social Work Services
(631) 434-2583
(631) 972 - 1555
Any suspicious activities you have knowledge of can be reported anonymously.
Erik Karlund, Director of Operations
(631) 434-2493
Fax: 631-434-2573
Suffolk Transportation Bus Dispatch
(631) 231-9940
Justin Lippmann, Station Manager