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8123.1 Bloodborne Pathogens

  • 8000: Support Services
8123.1 Bloodborne Pathogens

(This policy replaces previously approved Board of Education Policy #4214.3)

The Board of Education believes that effective precautions and work practice controls are the best methods for the containment of potentially infectious materials and provide employees, students and others in the school community with the best protection against such exposure to bloodborne pathogens i.e. hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).


Consistent with this belief and federal regulation, the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee, with input from the District’s Health and Safety Committee, shall establish a written Exposure Control Plan that is part of an overall Exposure Control Program designed to eliminate or minimize employee exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials.


The Exposure Control Plan/Program shall include the following:


  1. List of job classifications in which all employees in those job classifications may have occupational exposure to blood or other infectious materials occurs;

  2. Schedule and methods of implementation required by federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Public Employee Safety and Health regulations;

  3. Documentation of the route(s) of exposure, and the circumstances under which the exposure incident occurred, post-exposure evaluation and follow up;

  4. Use of universal precautions and sound work hygiene practices, including the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), when confronted with situations where blood and/or potentially infectious body fluids may be involved;

  5. Application and maintenance of universal precautions;

  6. Establishment of standard operating procedures;

  7. Education and training of employees; and

  8. Application of a hepatitis B vaccination program for employees performing work-related tasks as the best defenses against possible exposures.


The District shall ensure that a copy of the Exposure Control Plan/Program is accessible to all employees. A copy of the Exposure Control Plan/Program shall be located in the following District/school offices:




  • Office of the Superintendent of Schools (Central Adm. Bld.)
  • Office of the Director of Programs & Policy (Central Adm. Bld.)
  • Office of the Director of Business Services (Central Adm. Bld.)
  • Office of the Plant Facilities Manager (Buildings & Grounds)
  • Office of the Director of School Safety (Central Adm. Bld.)
  • Office of the Coordinator of Health, Psychological & Social Work Services (Special Services Bld.)
  • Office of the Coordinator of Physical Education, Health, Athletics and Recreation




  • Principal’s Office
  • Nurse’s Office
  • Custodian’s Office


The District’s Exposure Control Plan/Program shall be made available, upon request, to the Director of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.


In addition, a copy of the Exposure Control Plan/Program will be made available on the District’s intranet.


The Superintendent of Schools, or his/her designee, shall review the Exposure Control Plan/Program at least annually with the District’s Health and Safety Committee and whenever necessary, update the Plan/Program to reflect new or modified tasks and procedures which affect occupational exposure and/or new or revised employee positions with occupational exposure.



Cross-ref:     5420, Student Health Services


Ref:     29 CFR §1910.1030




Approved by the Board of Education:                                           4/28/09