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6650 Exhibit Claims Auditor

  • 6000: Fiscal Management Goals
6650 Exhibit Claims Auditor

Checklist for Audit of Claims

NOTE: This is a sample checklist for audit of claims. Please amend as necessary.

Beginning check number __________

Ending check number _____________

I hereby certify that the attached schedule of claims has been audited. All claims have been checked for the following:

_____ Mathematical accuracy (extensions, additions, and calculations or discounts)

_____ Duplicate payments (previously paid invoices from vendors have been checked to be sure payment is not a duplicate

_____ Vouchers have been checked against purchase orders

_____ Travel vouchers are properly itemized (travel vouchers must contain purpose of travel, dates and points of travel and approved rate)

_____ Vouchers for personal service are properly itemized (vouchers must contain purpose, date of service, length of service and approved rate)

_____ Receipts of goods and services are attached to claims

_____ Check to see whether there is an agreement with vendor not to pay late charges. If so, deduct late charges

_____ Sales taxes have not been paid (with the exception of sales taxes on meals)

_____ Mileage and meal claims (incl. sales tax) do not exceed authorization

_____ All claims are for proper school district expenditures

Pre-audit has been completed:

______________________________ ________________

Accounts Payable Clerk Date


_______________________________ __________________

Claims Auditor Date


Approved by the Board of Education: 2/25/10


Download the Exhibit Claims Auditor PDF