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5030-R Student Complaints and Grievances Regulation

  • 5000: Student Policies
5030-R Student Complaints and Grievances Regulation

Individual complaints and grievances shall be handled in accordance with the following guidelines:

  1. For informal conciliation, students shall confer with the appropriate teacher or school personnel to achieve prompt resolution.  If both students and staff are willing a restorative conference may be facilitated by a restorative justice trained facilitator.  Students may appeal to the highest authority in the school building, i.e., the building principal, who has the final determination on all such matters.
  2. For resolution of matters where appeal procedures are prescribed by statute, i.e., student suspensions, the prescribed course of action will be followed.
    1. Violations of the Code of Conduct
      A student is entitled to due process before a penalty is imposed. In all cases, regardless of the penalty imposed, the school personnel authorized to impose the penalty must inform the student of the alleged misconduct and must investigate, to the extent necessary, the facts surrounding the alleged misconduct. All students shall have an opportunity to present their version of the facts to the school personnel imposing the disciplinary penalty in connection with the imposition of the penalty.
    2. Suspensions as a result of a Superintendent’s Hearing

      Students and their parents/guardians wishing to appeal the results of a Superintendent’s Hearing may do so in the following manner:
      1. Send a letter to the Superintendent of Schools stating that you wish to appeal the findings of the Superintendent’s Hearing.
      2. A transcript of the Hearing shall be forwarded to the Board of Education.
      3. The Board will review the transcript and discuss the case in Executive Session.
      4. The Board will vote in public session whether to uphold the Superintendent’s decision or substitute their own judgement.  The appeal will be listed on the Board agenda as a student matter.  No student names will be used in Public Session.

On issues affecting the student body, students may address the student government or student council in order to resolve such matters.  Students may be afforded a conference with the Building Principal in accordance with the rules and procedures established by the student government.

The resolution of student complaints alleging any action prohibited by Title IX, Section 504 or the ADA shall be dealt with according to the procedures outlined in Policy 0100-R.

Distribution of the Grievance Procedure

A copy of this procedure shall be made available to all employees and to all students or their parents/guardians.  A copy of this procedure and 0100-R shall be available for public inspection by scheduling an appointment with the District Clerk during normal business hours at the office of the Compliance Officer.  A copy will also be posted on the district’s website,


Approved by the Board of Education:                04/19/07
Revision approved by the Board of Education:            01/16/20

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