4526-F Computer Network Acceptable Use Form
- 4000: Instruction
The Brentwood Board of Education is committed to optimizing student learning and teaching. The Board considers student and teacher access to a computer network, including the Internet, to be a powerful and valuable educational and research tool, and encourages the use of computers and computer-related technology in District classrooms for the purpose of advancing and promoting learning and teaching.
The computer network can provide a forum for learning various software applications and, through online databases and electronic mail, can significantly enhance educational experiences and provide statewide, national and global communication opportunities for students and staff.
All users of the District’s computer network and the Internet must understand that use is a privilege, not a right, and that use entails responsibility.
- Users are not permitted to utilize the District’s technological resources to engage in any illegal or illicit behavior or behavior that violates any Board policy.
- Copyright laws must be followed.
- All transmission of personally identifiable data must be done in accordance with BOE Policy 8635
- No one is permitted to deliberately damage any computer or computer-related equipment.
- No one is permitted to deliberately disrupt the operation of the network or its components, through the introduction of viruses or through other means.
- Appropriate “netiquette” shall be followed at all times. Staff should be aware that posting illegal, illicit or Board policy prohibited materials on the Internet that may foreseeably cause substantial disruptions to the school setting shall result in disciplinary measures.
- E-mail and other use of the District’s computer network are not private.
- Use of the District’s computers shall be solely for educational and business purposes.
Copies of the Computer Network Acceptable Use Policy and Regulation, which outline in detail the acceptable and unacceptable use and conduct while using the District’s computer network and accessing the Internet are available in each school building and online at the District’s Web site: www.bufsd.org.
Please read the attached summary flyer of the Computer Network Acceptable Use Policy (#4526) and sign this agreement below stating that you have received the summary flyer of the Computer Network Acceptable Use Policy and AGREE with the conditions listed in the summary flyer. This form should be returned to the Human Resources Office.
Print employee’s name
Signature of employee
Approved by the Board of Education: 02/13/07
Revision approved by the Board of Education: 08/21/08
Revision approved by the Board of Education: 01/19/17
Approved by the Board of Education: 06/18/20
Revision approved by the Board of Education: 01/19/23