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1530 Smoking and Tobacco Use on School Premises

  • 1000: Community Relations
1530 Smoking and Tobacco Use on School Premises

Due to the health hazards associated with smoking, the Brentwood Union Free School District’s Board of Education, in accordance with federal, New York State and Suffolk County laws, prohibits smoking and other tobacco use within all District buildings, on all District-owned grounds, at any school-sponsored function, and in any district-owned vehicle used to transport children or personnel. 

For purposes of this policy, and all provisions included in the District’s policies and Code of Conduct, “tobacco” is defined to include any lighted or unlighted cigarette, electronic cigarette (“e-cigarette”), cigar, pipe, and any other smoking product, including but not limited to nicotine and spit tobacco (smokeless, dip, chew and/or snuff) in any form.

The District’s smoking policy and Tobacco-Free Zone signs shall be prominently posted in each building at designated outdoor locations on school premises (e.g. athletic fields) and in all District vehicles. The Board designates the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee as an agent responsible for informing individuals smoking or using tobacco anywhere on school premises, at any school-sponsored function, or in District vehicles that they are in violation of Article 13 of the Public Health Law and/or Section 409 of the Education Law and/or the federal Pro-Children Acts of 1994 and 2001 and/or District policies and/or the District’s Code of Conduct. Persons using tobacco in violation of this policy will be asked to stop, leave school property, or may be subject to other sanctions in accordance with the District’s policies and/or Code of Conduct.  Staff caught in violation of this policy may be subject to other sanctions or discipline in accordance with the District’s policies and/or Code of Conduct. 


Cross Ref: Policy #5300.30 and 5300.70 - Code of Conduct

Education Law §§409(2)
Public Health Law Article 13-E 
Public Health Law §§206; 340; 347
The Pro-Children Act of 2001, 20 U.S.C. §§1781 et seq.
The Pro-Children Act of 1994, 20 U.S.C. §§6081 et seq.


Approved by the Board of Education:   12/14/06
Revision approved by the Board of Education: 08/14/14
Revision approved by the Board of Education: 01/16/20

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