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Brentwood Kicks Off The New School Year with Community Celebration!

Nearly two thousand community members, students, and volunteers celebrated Brentwood's Third Annual Kick Off to a New School Year on August 22 at East Middle School.

The event was conducted by Brentwood's Family Community Center and Registration Department for the purpose of bringing together new families and current members of the school district to learn about upcoming events for the school year. Upon arrival, families received special coupons that allowed them to take home a bag of food and personal items from Island Harvest as well as a free backpack with school supplies donated by the Promise of Hope Foundation. Families also were able to snag giveaways from local businesses and learn about services offered to the district schools from the Brentwood Public Library to the Suffolk Transportation Services (STS) and many others.

Community members also had the opportunity to meet with staff and administrators as they walked the parking lot. New York State Deputy Speaker and Brentwood High School alum Phil Ramos attended the event and met with members of the BUFSD Central Administration and Board of Education to help pass out backpacks and talk to members of the Brentwood community.

Thank you to all of the community members for coming to this kick-off event as well as a thank you to all of the sponsors for celebrating the Brentwood community and providing services and other goodies to take home and enjoy!