Employee Forms and Information
Payroll Information
Retirement Incentives
New York State Teacher's Retirement System
ROBS (Retirees of Brentwood Schools)
Retirement Filing Deadline - Reminder (updated 1/3/19)
403 B Information
All employees of The Brentwood Union Free School District are eligible to participate in our 403(b) Plan. The third party administrator of our 403(b) Plan is The OMNI Group. Information and enrollment forms can be found on the OMNI website, www.omni403b.com or by contacting OMNI at 1-877-544-6664.
403b Universal Availability Notice
OMNI Salary Reduction Agreement (updated 2/2016)
Useful information regarding your 403b plan (updated 8/15/18)
403B Why Me? - OMNI Video Presentation